Welcome EVERYONE! My name is Brianna Glass. And I am here to be your CBDealer! Well and of course I'm here to educate you about this BEAUTIFUL THING WE CALL CBD, short for Cannabidiol. Have you heard of it? Do you need to know more? Are you skeptical? Is it helping others you know? Everyone has soooo many questions! An that is why I am here! To help you answer those questions and EDUCATE you! So lets start with the basic questions?

Watch this short introduction video about our company. Fun Fact: You will see a short Testimonal about my dog Midnight that I shared in this video!

What is CBD?
CBD is an acronym for Cannabidiol. CBD oil comes from the hemp plant. Cannabinoids are agonists that bind to special receptors on your cells, called cannabinoid receptors, that form to make up our endocannabinoid system (ECS), the endocannabinoid system regulates the body’s general state of balance, impacting and functions as mood, sleep, appetite, hormone regulation, and pain and immune response. It’s also found in mother’s breast milk and cruciferous leafy greens.
Cannabidiol is one of the most prevalent chemical compounds in the Cannabis plant. Unlike the more famous molecule, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is completely NON PSYCHOACTIVE.


Here is our short You tube Video

Today's healthy consumers generally educate themselves on the important research findings on new health products. Disappointingly, we have found that many people avoid the health benefits of CBD oil because of prior misunderstandings or limited information. Our goal is to answer some commonly asked questions regarding CBD Oil.
We asked Mike and Jennie Carlson, the founders of Green HoriZen, a major provider of CBD oil, to help answer some these questions. See below as they share their expertise and informative facts regarding this family of products.
Top 5 Questions Asked
1-  Is it marijuana??
NO, it is not marijuana.  Marijuana is the dried leaves, flowers and stems of the Cannabis plant. CBD Oil is found in both the Cannabis plant and the Hemp plant. Cannabis has high levels of THC and low levels of CBD. Hemp has high levels of CBD and low levels of THC. THC is the psychoactive compound found in the Cannabis plant. We get our CBD oil from the Hemp plant and extract all of the THC out of it.
2-  Is it legal and will I pass a drug test if I use your CBD Oil??
A – CBD Oil from Industrial Hemp is legal and has Never been illegal. CBD oil is legal in all 50 states which means we are able to legally ship our products to any State. 
B – Yes, you will pass a drug test if you use our CBD Oil. Drug tests check for THC levels. Green HoriZen CBD Oil has 0 THC. Zero THC means that you don’t have to worry when you are asked to participate in a drug test.
3-  Will I get high? 
Fortunately for some, and unfortunately for others, (we don’t judge which one you are) you will not get high on CBD Oil.  THC is the psychoactive compound that creates the euphoria known as the ‘high’ from the cannabis plant. Since we extract all the THC out of our oil you won’t have to worry about getting high.
4-  What are the uses for CBD Oil? 
This is one of those questions we have to be super careful answering because the FDA does not regulate the uses of CBD Oil (and we don’t want them to). We can’t make any claims to say that it can help heal, prevent or treat anything. We can say that CBD Oil is a supplement that is good for overall health and wellness.  We can also share the testimonials we have received from 100’s of customers telling us how they are getting their life back. Many have reported greater mobility with less aches and pains. We hear from customers that are sleeping better and are more focused and alert. It makes us happy to hear from our customers that have a decrease in stress levels and a greater sense of well-being. We hear these stories and so many more. “We wish we could tell you how it’s helped people stop having seizures, decreased or completely gotten rid of tumors, and how people with autoimmune disorders are able to stop taking most of their meds, but I can’t because the FDA hasn’t approved it yet…but keep in mind they HAVE approved the Twinkie!!??”
5-  Where does it come from? 

Right here in the USA! We own our very own Hemp Farm following Organic Farming practices with absolutely ZERO GMOs, pesticides, or poisons! Soil to Seal!

At Green HoriZen we tease that Hemp stands for Helping Educate Misinformed People and that’s basically what we do. We answer those 5 questions every time someone finds out that we sell CBD Oil.
Green HoriZen oil is the purest oil on the market. 
CBD Oil isn’t FDA regulated so the current Industry standard of CBD Oil purity is only 25%!
Green HoriZen has taken the extra steps to get 99% pure CBD Oil. We focus on this purity level because it’s important to us that our customers are receiving the best possible product. We also 3rd party test our oil 3 times before it even touches our bottles. We test for solvents, contaminants, heavy metals, molds, THC and CBD content. We are proud to show our lab tests with the world!
For more questions and information please email me at or please message me on Facebook in my AWESOME group Hemp "N" Health with Brianna GIVEAWAYS, CBD EDUCATION AND MORE! 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.